VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Cold As Hell
Auteur : Lychee
Date de création : 16-04-2006
posté le 02-07-2007 à 21:28:05

just a little delirium...

In the dream, I was in a secret place in the forest, and I was about to die and I was about to live.And he was there.....Not the one I was in love with, but the one I had been lookin' for...The wind was blowing in the trees and I asked him: "Do u think I am gonna die?"
And he said nothing, kissed my forehead and held me close...
The wind was blowing in my bones, but my heart was warm with feelings unknown.
I was just bursting with my final sparks of life....
I felt immortal, though I knew the end was near.
And now I know, once woken up, that tears' days will be soothed by a secret place in the forest, where this guy holds me close 'til life deserts me and only love remains....
Vala , un pti reve ki ma marquée guiz tu connais déja l'début ça c la fin lool , innatendue pour le moin, j'croi kmé reves me controlent lool



lychee le 02-07-2007 à 22:48:16
oué lool jsui une weirdo kes tu veu....jpense ke jvai arreter drever *spooky voice* mé reves ctrolent mé sentiments lool
audrey le 02-07-2007 à 21:30:52
mignon... weird mais ça ça ne m'étonne pas Langue